All about being a MOM Its a Mommy Blog!!!! Blogging is therapeutic ! Blogging is like a warm blanket, like a friend, who's always there to listen. Every mom's friend!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chennai Play Schools

Here is a list of Play Schools in Chennai that I have scanned till now:

1) Kids Central- Kids dint get admission, as the owner of the school felt that they are very active.Fee- 10 K + 13 K +2 K per semester
2) Euro Kids- Morning batch is not available, don't want afternoon batch as kids sleep during that time, rooms are small, no sand pit, no big play area.Fee- 18 K per semester
3)The Alps- Small play area, OK rooms,near to home. Fee 16 k per semester
4) The Nest- Big play area, friendly teachers, flexible, not in walking distance from my home. Fee 2 K + 2 k per semester
5) Bambino- OK play area, no. of students more, 10 mins car drive from home.Fee- yet to find out
6)Sivasai Priya- Near home , only 10 kids, lots of toys, no play area. Fee Rs. 500 per month.

I like Sivasai and The Nest because there are no rule for toddlers. I am going to visit Bambino again today and check out the features.

Its not a child's play I must say.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Play School

To choose a play School for my todlars is a tough task. Though many people may feel other wise,I feel it is not a kids thing to choose a play school.
There are so many things one has to look for in a play school, I am listing down the ones that I am looking for:

  1. Vicinity to home
  2. Student Teacher Ratio
  3. Play area- sand pit size, pool size
  4. Trained staff
  5. List of Activities
  6. Snacks etc provided by the school
  7. Cleanliness- maintenance
  8. Bathrooms- hygiene, loo seats
  9. Safety- proper latches ,round corners etc
  10. First Aid Facility

These are my basic priorities.

I might be loosing out on many things but I think if we can find these in one school then the kids can start the programme.

I am going to get my babies enrolled to a school near my place today. I am looking forward towards the new experience of making them more independent kids.

My expectations from the Toddlar programm is-

Little discipline, Socialising, Learning- shapes, colours etc, will be constructively occupied.

Best of luck mama

Monday, November 12, 2007

No Admission

We took our kids for admission in a play group in Chennai. There were many kids in that play group, 2 twins were also there (in addition to ours).On reaching the play school all the kids were taken in one room with mats allocated for each kid.Toys were kept in front of each mat.Each kid was supposed to play with their toys and keep the stuff back at the designated places.
When we entered the room, we were asked to sit on adjacent mats. Gats Bhavs sat there for 2-3 minutes and explored the toys, they looked around and went on to play with other kids toys. Two kids dint like the intrusion and thus yelled out loud. Bhavs kept herself busy and Gats roamed around across the room. They did not want to sit at one place, wanted to explore and touch every thing. Then when the Instructor started talking, Gats snatched a paper from her hand , rolled it and kept it with her. The Instructor took the form back from her by forcibly opening her palm.I was pained to see that....never has any one forced any thing on the babies.
Gats, wanted to go out and play on the colorful swings. She was taken out , my hubby accompanied her. Seeing Gats go out, Bhav also wanted to go out.She was also sent out. I remained in the room top listen to what the Instructor had to say. A brief was given about the toddler program, how the course is imparted etc.
Then all the kids were taken out, our kids were sitting in a doll house, playing with the dolls.They were playing with the sand. Others were doing things as they were told, only ours did things on their own.
Then came the time when admission letters were given to the families.I went near the instructor and she dint have any letter for me. I thought , may be she will come back. She came back and told us that they could not give admission to our kids because:
Our kids are very active, have a mind of their own, do not lisening to any one and thus to take care of our kids they will have to hire 2 more people, which will increase the cost of the school.
And that seeing their behaviour, other 23 kids will also behave in the same fashion. Thus the memento of the class will get disturbed.
We were socked, till now we thought that our kids are very bright and we wanted to send them to a play school so that they can learn to socialise., learn some manners etc. we had no idea that they want Pre Trained kids.
Initially I was a lil upset but after talking to family and friends I am relived that our kids are not going in that school.
Every thing is seen in a business way...even lill ones. Schools were made to teach...but they want pre trained kids....then whats the point of sending them to the schools.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kids Central

My House has become Kids paradise...every thing is Child friendly, every nook and corner you will spot a butterfly or a doll. No lamps, no sharp edges, no rugs, no show make up lying out, no papers/ important post lying on the medicine in open, no soap/ detergent etc seen outside. All this is the external world...all of us have consciously tried to change our vocab bad words, no negative fights, no misconduct and no nothing that a child should not know.
Even though we take so many precautions, we don't raise voice, we try not to scold the kids, not to get angry at them etc. Some times all this discipline (for the first time in our adult lives) becomes too suffocating.
But as the kids are growing we are getting a lill relaxed...a lil used to this life and feeling a lill better.
Though I try to follow Dr. Spock's advice word by word...but there are a lot of things I am unable to do.
I am listing down a list of things that I am unable to implement till now. (I don't want to call these as failures because...I'll get extremely unhappy. )
Kids are 1 yr 10 months old:
  • They still sleep with us. They search for me when they get up in the night and want me by their side. If I am not there they cry a lot and only when they see me, they become normal. Because of this we are not able to go out for Dinners etc with friends (no one is worth it any ways).
  • They don't eat on the table (first of all there is no baby high chair), but some times they try to copy us and sit on the dining table for eating breakfast. They have their lunch and dinner in front of the TV. (It is convenient for all.)
  • They drink milk from bottle even now.( Try weaning twins from this one...this is the biggest challenge)
  • They wet the bed in night. I try to wake them and take them to the loo, every day at least one of them refuses to get up.And some days I cant get up in the night.
  • They sit in the front seat of the car. Don't want to sit at the back seat especially when I am driving.

Okay now the habits/ good things are:

  • Mostly they can tell that they want to go to the Loo. And always they can tell about potty.
  • They know putting fingure in the mouth is bad ( they tease me by doing it intentionaly at times)
  • They eat with Fork at times (fruits like Papaya and Guava- credit goes to Grand Mom)
  • They eat Sprouts, Mushrooms etc which is good for them.
  • They love each other a lot- express their emotions by cuddling, kissing each other and to us also.
  • They say Bye to me in the morning (credit goes to Grand Mom) and know that I will come back in the evening. They expect me in the evening and around 7 PM they start missing me.
  • They brush their teeth, clean their tongue and wash up before going to bed ( Credit- ME)
  • They like eating medicine at times (especially the one drop in the nose- Weired bit good for me)

There are many good things that they do and many naughty, innocent thing also. Some days are good days and some days are just BAD- lot of crying, fussing etc.

Now there are a few things I am working upon at presnt:

  1. Trying to make them sleep with out scaring them/ singing/ rocking/cuddling/ hugging them. (In my mind ...I have to do a combination of these every night for around 45 minutes to put them to sleep).
  2. Eating on their own
  3. Trying to get up and make them do Susu in night.( frankly,most of the time trying to sleep as much I can because they are always strring and waking at regular intervals).
  4. Making them used to the back seat of the car.

Things I will not touch for some more time:

  • Weaning from bottle- as I am not home during the day...i wont be able to do it so quickly...may be after a few months when they are over the stress of traveling , getting used to school etc..I will attempt it).

In a nut shell...I am not perfect but working towards it. With a hope that my babies will develop in to over all healthy and balanced adults.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Bhau and Gattu- 1 yera 2 months old (Feb 2007)



still with the packet

Bhau and her angry expression....


Gattu looking up to Ma

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


love of Grand parents makes them happy kids. They copy G Pa and want to look like him. The naked threesome.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

No more my own Boss

Feel helpless
Feel totally out of control
It feels that I am not my boss any more.
If this is the beginning , then wonder where it will go...
Have start eating my own actions and words
They are smart,
they are clever,
they also have sense of humour
they can make me laugh
they can make me cry
they can make me do all that I despise
they are my weakness
they are my strength
they are my babies
and I love them, marvel at them with out any end

Lil ones learn lesson no. 1

Lesson no. 1 is :
Do Not tear the book.
And if u do then u will stand in the corner.
The Corner is 'BAD'..that's what we told our lil Einstein's
What happend after that is a story in itself.
Now when ever they accidently tear a newspaper/book. They look at us,and quietly go and stand in the corner. If Bhav goes then Gats follows her , they both adjust and fit themselves in that so called bad corner. They keep on sitting there ,looking at us.
We call them , they dont come, I get up and lovingly take them out and we start our book reading session all over again....and then Gats looks at me, and tears one more page.....with a smile.
Lesson Learnt- Child is the father of Man

Monday, July 16, 2007

Its a lizzzzard

Mom look...Lizard!!!
I want plain rice with Ghee and salt
I want more salt
I want Ice cream and not sweets
I want Roti and not Rice
This is what I hear from my 1.7 month old babies.
I can not believe my ears that they can communicate, understand and demand so much.
It delights me to see them choose their dress, their tooth brush, their toys.
Both of them want different things (thankfully).
Bhavs likes girlie colors and dolls.
Gats likes Balls and is not bothered about clothes
Gats has a choice in what food she wants to eat
Bhavs does not compromise on her sleep area.
Both of them want to sleep on Mummy's tummy (challenging).

Friday, June 15, 2007

Some times it is very tiring to do things after involving every one and taking concent of every one. One just cant do what one wants to do.Though no one stops or any thing like that, but the acceptability of new ideas, new purchases new equipment, new concepts about raising children....every thing that was not there in the older generation gets questioned, gets screened, gets a stare.
If we live in a community we have to understand the dynamics.We have to balance.We have to restrain from free speech.
Times such as these are testing times.
Talk or write or do some thing and let your self cool down during these moments. Then you think sensibly again.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Brother in Law

When God was creating relations, he created a unique species called BIL. BIL is a special person who is fun to be with.He puts a smile on my face. My Bill is in town and things are looking very happy for me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


After 1.5 years this day has come when my Lil ones din't ask for my feed during night. They woke up 2 times each but at least I am relieved of the suckling feeling which was getting pain full with every passing day. Both have developed teeth which was causing injury to me.

I must admit it is a painful feeling for me to wean them. I like to nurse may Lil angles, feel the closeness ; they also enjoy the security and comfort. Though I would love to continue feeding them but it is causing more pain than pleasure.

More than the physical and emotional part, I decided to wean them as I want to sleep properly in the night and want them to sleep without getting up many times. I want them to become independent. In case I have to go out of station (work or emergency) they should at least sleep the whole night.

To celebrate this new achievement, I and Ro went to watch a Movie yesterday night. We were concerned and always checking the watch, fearing that what if the babies get up... they will cry. So we dint have any post movie snack/ drive, just headed back home silently, hoping every thing is under control. And to our relief we found that both of them were asleep. My MIL and my Aunt were sleeping by their side, patting them in between when they stirred.

I entered the room and felt a warm glow in my heart to see my fairies sleeping.I quickly changed in to night clothes, cuddled them and slept.

They stirred, saw mummy and gave a cozy smile. Ro slept with Gats and I with Bhavs.

Between Bhavs and Gats, Bhavu seems to be effected more by this weaning. The trick I used was told to me by my aunt who has come from a village in Nepal. She made a paste of neem leaves and asked me to put it on the nipples when ever babies demanded milk. MIL, Aunt ,my Maid and Me all four of us started saying that Mummy has been bit by 'KoKa' ( made this one up), and so mummy is applying medicine, and if you ask milk mummy will get hurt.

I thought this is a crazy idea, but actually it started working after the second day.Bhav started crying when ever her favourite Booboo was covered with Dabu ( Medicine), she tasted it and made faces then she got a cloth an tried to wipe it, I would reapply the neem paste, she tried to pick the paste from her hand and throw it. The first day they both swollowed the neem paste along with the milk. I felt very sorry and felt like crying.

Every one told me to be strong & firm.

In the night I myself wiped the paste and nursed them. All my theories faded away that night about wanting to wean babies and making them independent.The urge to feed the babies is still strong in me.

Next night, just before going to bed , we played this 'Dabbu and Koka Game'.
Gattu seemed to understand and though while sleeping she asked for milk, we patted her and reminded her about the bitter 'Dabbu'.

But Bhavs dint want to understand.I gave in once, but soon pulled her and took her out of the room, singing and talking to her. Ultimately she slept.

The next day, to every ones surprise, they both were talking about 'Mama, koka, dabbu' to every one. They told the maid, grand pa, grand ma, our neighbour family and even the friendly watch man (thank god the outsiders don't know our secret words).

The whole day they were very concerned. when I came from work, and tried to repeat the ritual, they dint want to see 'It' and hid it with a cloth. But I could see concern in their eyes. Bhavs couldn't control, she dint know how to feel so her behaviour fluctuated from crying, to being aggressive, running away from me then coming back and hiding her face in my lap. Gats had her own ways of expressing concern.She took the neem paste and threw it on the floor....can any one believe that they are only One Year Five months old kids.

They feel my pain, they don't want me to be hurt they love me. And I love them more than myself.They are concerned about every one at home. When their gran pa got a lil bruise on the toe, they were running here & there and telling all of us about the wound and were asking grand pa to apply dabbu.When the wound healed, they still were checking it once in a while.
Though they are very small. I get amused observing their reactions about things that elders do.They look small but they think and have their own understanding of things.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Stretch- the mom way

Being a Mom is stressful and tiring. Now my kids are 1.5 yrs old. I have no time for my self. I have no peace. I have stretch marks on my body and I have learnt to Stretch my self as a Mom, as a person and also as a professional.
I have no time from morning till night but still I manage to do every thing I want to do. Kids keep me on my toes always, there is no room for lethargy and feeling lazy. Its fun to watch my kids learn new words, actions, expressions. Bhav & Gats can communicate to me in many ways. They show concern, anger, happiness & sadness. We bond very well.
The way they bond with Ro is excellent. He makes them laugh, three of them can giggle and laugh till a long time. They have developed a special bond with DAD.
He puts them to sleep, makes milk for them in the night, dresses them up, takes bath with them on every Sunday.They tell him what book they want him to read. They have a couple of kiddies books like Noddy, Pinokio, cindrella, some Rhyme books etc. He sings lovely songs for them "So ja raaj kumaari", "Dhire se aaja re ..".
The momment they hear that Papa has come back from office, they run to greet him towards the door.
Gats orders her Dad to take her to the Beach and tells him that 'mum mum' will come and wet her feet.Bhavs tells him that she has dome 'su su' and he has to change her 'paaji', which he does lovingly.
He stares them, hugs them and kisses them when they are sleeping like an angel.He calls them his little godess. Once he was going for an Interview, he touched their little feet and asked them to bless him.And you know, he got the job. Now when ever he wants any thing very badly he whispers in their ears and says "Bhavani,Gayarti pls help papa get are my lill baby God no".
He thanks me for giving this bunddle of joy to him. I thank him for the same.
When we look around we see our friend partying, going for vacations, watching all the movies etc. People ask us " how you spend your weekend". My office collegues ask me why do you go home at sharp 5:45 Pm. They are surprised when I say no to all the outings, parties, nightouts etc.
We are in our own lill Oasis. Loving our Kids. Loving our lill goddess's and trying to make life comfertable for them. Finding maids, requesting one and all for cook, baby sitter etc.
Feels like I am in a Oasis.
Feels like I am in an Island
An isolated place with my babies around
Feels like love is in every breath I take,
Feels like love is in every heart beat
I would have never known my Hubby better
if my angels were not in my life.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sleep Issues

The most difficult thing is to put babies to sleep in the night. Yesterday night Bhav n Gats woke up at 1AM and dint sleep till 2:30 AM. I and MIL tried every possible trick to put them back to sleep but they dint budge.
Bhavs got up crying, I tried to sooth her by nursing her...but she go back to sleep...she started crying and howling...I sang some songs but she dint want them. I took her out in other rooms , MIL got milk for her .Seeing the bottle she was again screaming..I tried to sooth her but she would not take the milk & not fall asleep. I tried to scare her ( which I hate to do) but even the doggie, catie, Chiaya, Koo Koo could help. She cried so loudly that Gats woke up.Gats smiled at me and looked at Bhavs...Mil called her...she dint go and crawled towards me. Bhav n Gats were delighted to see each other...they squealed in delight and hugged each other...and stared playing with each other.
I & MIL were sitting on the bed watching them ,feeling helpless, drowsy, and frustrated. Then we slowly tried to straighten our backs by lying down. Seeing us lying ...the Girls started fussing again...they both wanted to come in my lap at the same time. I tried to accommodate them ...but they were pushing each other out.Some how I managed to get them comfy and patted them , stared sing a song...they were quite..I thought that I 'll be able to sleep after 5 mins.Then, Gats stirred and sat, started crying....I again threatened them ( Catie will come, doggie will come) but she wont stop. Then I lost it ..I made her sit and told her that if she will not sleep Mummy will go to office( I hate my self for doing this).
She sobbed ...then I hugged her and told her that Mummy will not go to office , mummy loves her, and reluctantly nursed her....she hugged me and cling ed to me for an hour...mean while Bhavs was being patted by MIL and put to sleep.
Round 4 again both of them got save my life I nursed them and they slept again.
In the morning both of them woke up fresh as a flower, cheerful and happy. I & MIL woke up half dead and exchange smiles looking at our bundle of Joy.
MIL Co sleeps with us when Ro is traveling. Babies have started circulating/ exploring the bed in the night. So two people are a must, else they would fall down.
Can some one hear my scream.
Help! need to know how to cope up with tough baby nights. I m planning to make them sleep on their own just need the ammunition to know how to do it.
Pls let me know what u think I should do.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mum Quotes

  • Mummy Quotes
    As the saying goes, mothers know best!
  • “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?”- Milton Berle

  • “I know how to do anything - I'm a Mom.” - Roseanne Barr

  • “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.”- Maya Angelou

  • “It's not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.”- The Golden Girls

  • “God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.”- Jewish Proverb

  • “The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.- Jane Sellman

  • “That best academy, a mother's knee.”- James Russell Lowell

  • “With what price we pay for the glory of motherhood.”- Isadora Duncan

  • “To a child's ear, 'mother' is magic in any language.”- Arlene Benedict
  • “The mother of three notoriously unruly youngsters was asked whether or not she'd have children if she had it to do over again. ‘Yes’, she replied ‘but not the same ones.’”- David Finkelstein

  • “Any mother could perform the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease.”- Lisa Alther
  • “A mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled.”- Emily Dickinson

  • “She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn't take them along.” - Margaret Culkin Banning

  • “A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” - Sophia Loren

  • "The hand that rocks the cradle usually is attached to someone who isn't getting enough sleep."- John Fiebig

  • "I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids."- Unknown

  • "Child rearing myth #1: Labour ends when the baby is born."- Unknown

  • "Children are a great comfort in your old age. And they help you reach it faster, too."- Lionel Kaufman

  • "It is amazing how quickly the kids learn the operation of the DVD, yet are unable to understand the vacuum cleaner."- Etienne Marchal

  • "Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble."- Dennis Fakes

  • "Raising a kid is part joy and part guerilla warfare."- Ed Asner

  • "Poverty is hereditary - you get it from your children."- Phyllis Diller

  • "Children are gleeful barbarians."- Joseph Morgenstern

  • "By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class."- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • "We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up."- Phyllis Diller

  • “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”- Rajneesh

  • “Mother - that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries.”- T. DeWitt Talmage

  • “A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "where mother is."- Keith L. Brooks

  • “A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.”- Irish Proverb

  • “A mother understands what a child does not say.”- Proverb

  • “Making the decision to have a child - It's momentous। It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”- Elizabeth Stone

  • “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take।”- Cardinal Mermillod

  • “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.”- Abraham लिंकोलं

  • “Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.”- Lin Yutang

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In hope of some sleep

I have not slept since October 2005.
In Oct 05 I was 7 Months Pregnant and could not sleep the whole night. I read maximum books during those sleepless nights. Ro bought me lots of latest bestsellers, got World space connection and painting board, paints, canvas etc to keep me company during the nights.
Carrying Twins, I had become like a giant Panda. I used to walk like a Donald Duck, had feet swollen like a baby elephant and my fair skin had become multi colored (Iron Tablets, Swellings, Stretch marks, varicose veins),
The whole night the babies used to play in my Tummy. I know now who used to kick (Bhavs’s who else), and Gats used to hide in the round corners of my body. She has a habit of hiding in corners, cramped spaces. That how she stuck her head down …with the result Doc asked me to have bed rest with feet up. Phew.Its not as scary…it’s was scarier.
Ro used to go off to sleep and used to feel guilty that he is unable to chat with me every night till morning.
I used to think that when babies will come I would sleep. But I was so unaware of what is in store.
Then came my lil wonders. First few days vanished in my initial recovery, plus so many people around me to take care of my fairies and me.
For the first three months my MIL (Mother In Law) slept with me. One of my Mausi (My Moms Sis) also stayed with us for around a month. So there were 3 adult ladies to tend to their every need for the initial months.
Those days I used to get up 6-8 times in the night to feed them. As they were on my milk, I used to drink 6 glasses of milk to keep the flow going along with some powder that my doc had recommended. (Now I am back to 2-3 glasses per day plus curd).
As I have Twins I used to feed them both together, using the Football Technique that I had learnt in my Lamaze Classes.
People say that Babies sleep a lot…but my springboards never slept more than 1 hour in the day and 5-6 hour of disturbed sleep during the night.
So… MIL said that might be they will sleep after 3 months…
From 4th month onwards Ro took over Mils Place. And since then he has been a part of the sleepless nights too (thanks to kids now he wakes up in the night…as, earlier once he doses off it was impossible to wake him up…. thank you fairies ).

Months passed and Alas., till now… (They are 15 months old)…it’s still the same.
Bhav and Gats sleep in the center of the bed, both of them have to be separated by pillows/quilt (depending upon their position) as they kick each other, climb over each other (they always kicked and climbed on us) and when one wakes up she makes sure to wake up the other one also. In order to put the child, who has woken up, back to sleep, we quickly change places, and I quickly feed the baby and put her to sleep. Then after 15-30 minutes the other one stirs and we quickly change places and I quickly feed the other baby. This continues till morning. These days they wake up around 5-6 times each ….so you can count the total time we spend awake.
The good thing about these sleepless nights is that we are always alert. So if there were a mouse in some far away room we would know. If a dry leaf falls on the ground out side my window I know.

Now, Mil and I think that hopefully when the babies are 2 years old they will sleep properly.


Before I close this piece, pls note that post the 3rd month of their birth I have been working full time from 9Am-7 Pm. Ro took Paternity leave for some weeks and post that he too follows the working person routine. And Mil is taking care of the double bubble for the whole day with out any rest/ sleep. She gets some rest when I reach home and take over.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


My Twins are a wonderful gang. They have teemed up against us at this lil age. We were expecting teeming up behavior in teenage, which is many years far from now. Both of them have learnt ways to make us all feel helpless, plead, sit on our knees, and feel totally out of control. They are dominating every minutes of our life and they decide what we will do. Our life revolves around their whims and fancies.
I have made a checklist of their latest codes, commands and threats.

Actions/ Words Meaning
…=Pointing in different directions,demanding us to tell the name of things that are pointed out.

POM = Wants us 2 switch on all the Fans of the house. Has a special facination for the Kitchen Exhaust Fan

Cockocooo = Cockroach, Baby Cockroach,Mama Cockroach, Papa Cockroach. Opens ans closes a cabinate that has a family of cockroaches. Inspects them every half an hour.( Pls don’t think my home is unclean)

Bataah…Bataah = One word that has many uses- is used to threaten the maid when she puts on the shoes, is used to threaten the Cockroaches, is used to tell us that she is not in mood to follow any requests (forget orders)

Nahee..nahee = No no..- is used to tell us that she does not want to come in ( when she runs out of the door).

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pangs of a MOM

Pangs of a Mom...
so very true
Not all can understand.
At work when I think of my sugar dolly lolly Lil miss pollies
When my heart craves to be with them
When I want to sleep with them around me, on ,me, beneath me
When I want to feel their soft hands on my face, my hair, my stomach
When I miss them so much while I am at work
Pangs of a MOM
Knots in my stomach
Butterflies too
Strain in my heart
its all very true
Pangs of a Mom
so many , so different
so very true

Friday, March 16, 2007

Where is my Ma

Looking at the world through those inqusitive eyes...
searching for their MAA...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Balancing Act

Get up in the Morning...
Watch ur baby by your side...sleeping peacefuly ..clinging to your breast..
you smile..your heart warms up and you feel proud to be a mom.

Stir and try to come out of bed...
the baby stirs with you...
you sneek to the toilet and hear the baby wailing for you.
You rush..forget to flush..pick and sooth you lil one...
Her in one arm and with the other you wash your face, brush teeth,pull your payjamas and talk to her at stretch
You rush to the kitchen, warm her milk put lil sugar..shake it a bit and pour in the bottle spilling a lot here and there...strugging in between with your love...talking, humming singing in between trying to distract her from the things she wants to hold and put in her mouth...
You feed the baby and sing to her
Take out the Diaper and make her sit on the Pink Potty
You talk to her in various languages...encourage her to clear her bowls.
Some times when she obliges you feel at the top of the world.
.....This is the morning routine of a mama.
Now Mama has to go to Office and get ready.
she gives tha baby to Dad and makes tea, and tries to quickly make a healthy breakfast...