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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


After 1.5 years this day has come when my Lil ones din't ask for my feed during night. They woke up 2 times each but at least I am relieved of the suckling feeling which was getting pain full with every passing day. Both have developed teeth which was causing injury to me.

I must admit it is a painful feeling for me to wean them. I like to nurse may Lil angles, feel the closeness ; they also enjoy the security and comfort. Though I would love to continue feeding them but it is causing more pain than pleasure.

More than the physical and emotional part, I decided to wean them as I want to sleep properly in the night and want them to sleep without getting up many times. I want them to become independent. In case I have to go out of station (work or emergency) they should at least sleep the whole night.

To celebrate this new achievement, I and Ro went to watch a Movie yesterday night. We were concerned and always checking the watch, fearing that what if the babies get up... they will cry. So we dint have any post movie snack/ drive, just headed back home silently, hoping every thing is under control. And to our relief we found that both of them were asleep. My MIL and my Aunt were sleeping by their side, patting them in between when they stirred.

I entered the room and felt a warm glow in my heart to see my fairies sleeping.I quickly changed in to night clothes, cuddled them and slept.

They stirred, saw mummy and gave a cozy smile. Ro slept with Gats and I with Bhavs.

Between Bhavs and Gats, Bhavu seems to be effected more by this weaning. The trick I used was told to me by my aunt who has come from a village in Nepal. She made a paste of neem leaves and asked me to put it on the nipples when ever babies demanded milk. MIL, Aunt ,my Maid and Me all four of us started saying that Mummy has been bit by 'KoKa' ( made this one up), and so mummy is applying medicine, and if you ask milk mummy will get hurt.

I thought this is a crazy idea, but actually it started working after the second day.Bhav started crying when ever her favourite Booboo was covered with Dabu ( Medicine), she tasted it and made faces then she got a cloth an tried to wipe it, I would reapply the neem paste, she tried to pick the paste from her hand and throw it. The first day they both swollowed the neem paste along with the milk. I felt very sorry and felt like crying.

Every one told me to be strong & firm.

In the night I myself wiped the paste and nursed them. All my theories faded away that night about wanting to wean babies and making them independent.The urge to feed the babies is still strong in me.

Next night, just before going to bed , we played this 'Dabbu and Koka Game'.
Gattu seemed to understand and though while sleeping she asked for milk, we patted her and reminded her about the bitter 'Dabbu'.

But Bhavs dint want to understand.I gave in once, but soon pulled her and took her out of the room, singing and talking to her. Ultimately she slept.

The next day, to every ones surprise, they both were talking about 'Mama, koka, dabbu' to every one. They told the maid, grand pa, grand ma, our neighbour family and even the friendly watch man (thank god the outsiders don't know our secret words).

The whole day they were very concerned. when I came from work, and tried to repeat the ritual, they dint want to see 'It' and hid it with a cloth. But I could see concern in their eyes. Bhavs couldn't control, she dint know how to feel so her behaviour fluctuated from crying, to being aggressive, running away from me then coming back and hiding her face in my lap. Gats had her own ways of expressing concern.She took the neem paste and threw it on the floor....can any one believe that they are only One Year Five months old kids.

They feel my pain, they don't want me to be hurt they love me. And I love them more than myself.They are concerned about every one at home. When their gran pa got a lil bruise on the toe, they were running here & there and telling all of us about the wound and were asking grand pa to apply dabbu.When the wound healed, they still were checking it once in a while.
Though they are very small. I get amused observing their reactions about things that elders do.They look small but they think and have their own understanding of things.

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