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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kids Central

My House has become Kids paradise...every thing is Child friendly, every nook and corner you will spot a butterfly or a doll. No lamps, no sharp edges, no rugs, no show make up lying out, no papers/ important post lying on the medicine in open, no soap/ detergent etc seen outside. All this is the external world...all of us have consciously tried to change our vocab bad words, no negative fights, no misconduct and no nothing that a child should not know.
Even though we take so many precautions, we don't raise voice, we try not to scold the kids, not to get angry at them etc. Some times all this discipline (for the first time in our adult lives) becomes too suffocating.
But as the kids are growing we are getting a lill relaxed...a lil used to this life and feeling a lill better.
Though I try to follow Dr. Spock's advice word by word...but there are a lot of things I am unable to do.
I am listing down a list of things that I am unable to implement till now. (I don't want to call these as failures because...I'll get extremely unhappy. )
Kids are 1 yr 10 months old:
  • They still sleep with us. They search for me when they get up in the night and want me by their side. If I am not there they cry a lot and only when they see me, they become normal. Because of this we are not able to go out for Dinners etc with friends (no one is worth it any ways).
  • They don't eat on the table (first of all there is no baby high chair), but some times they try to copy us and sit on the dining table for eating breakfast. They have their lunch and dinner in front of the TV. (It is convenient for all.)
  • They drink milk from bottle even now.( Try weaning twins from this one...this is the biggest challenge)
  • They wet the bed in night. I try to wake them and take them to the loo, every day at least one of them refuses to get up.And some days I cant get up in the night.
  • They sit in the front seat of the car. Don't want to sit at the back seat especially when I am driving.

Okay now the habits/ good things are:

  • Mostly they can tell that they want to go to the Loo. And always they can tell about potty.
  • They know putting fingure in the mouth is bad ( they tease me by doing it intentionaly at times)
  • They eat with Fork at times (fruits like Papaya and Guava- credit goes to Grand Mom)
  • They eat Sprouts, Mushrooms etc which is good for them.
  • They love each other a lot- express their emotions by cuddling, kissing each other and to us also.
  • They say Bye to me in the morning (credit goes to Grand Mom) and know that I will come back in the evening. They expect me in the evening and around 7 PM they start missing me.
  • They brush their teeth, clean their tongue and wash up before going to bed ( Credit- ME)
  • They like eating medicine at times (especially the one drop in the nose- Weired bit good for me)

There are many good things that they do and many naughty, innocent thing also. Some days are good days and some days are just BAD- lot of crying, fussing etc.

Now there are a few things I am working upon at presnt:

  1. Trying to make them sleep with out scaring them/ singing/ rocking/cuddling/ hugging them. (In my mind ...I have to do a combination of these every night for around 45 minutes to put them to sleep).
  2. Eating on their own
  3. Trying to get up and make them do Susu in night.( frankly,most of the time trying to sleep as much I can because they are always strring and waking at regular intervals).
  4. Making them used to the back seat of the car.

Things I will not touch for some more time:

  • Weaning from bottle- as I am not home during the day...i wont be able to do it so quickly...may be after a few months when they are over the stress of traveling , getting used to school etc..I will attempt it).

In a nut shell...I am not perfect but working towards it. With a hope that my babies will develop in to over all healthy and balanced adults.

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