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Monday, November 12, 2007

No Admission

We took our kids for admission in a play group in Chennai. There were many kids in that play group, 2 twins were also there (in addition to ours).On reaching the play school all the kids were taken in one room with mats allocated for each kid.Toys were kept in front of each mat.Each kid was supposed to play with their toys and keep the stuff back at the designated places.
When we entered the room, we were asked to sit on adjacent mats. Gats Bhavs sat there for 2-3 minutes and explored the toys, they looked around and went on to play with other kids toys. Two kids dint like the intrusion and thus yelled out loud. Bhavs kept herself busy and Gats roamed around across the room. They did not want to sit at one place, wanted to explore and touch every thing. Then when the Instructor started talking, Gats snatched a paper from her hand , rolled it and kept it with her. The Instructor took the form back from her by forcibly opening her palm.I was pained to see that....never has any one forced any thing on the babies.
Gats, wanted to go out and play on the colorful swings. She was taken out , my hubby accompanied her. Seeing Gats go out, Bhav also wanted to go out.She was also sent out. I remained in the room top listen to what the Instructor had to say. A brief was given about the toddler program, how the course is imparted etc.
Then all the kids were taken out, our kids were sitting in a doll house, playing with the dolls.They were playing with the sand. Others were doing things as they were told, only ours did things on their own.
Then came the time when admission letters were given to the families.I went near the instructor and she dint have any letter for me. I thought , may be she will come back. She came back and told us that they could not give admission to our kids because:
Our kids are very active, have a mind of their own, do not lisening to any one and thus to take care of our kids they will have to hire 2 more people, which will increase the cost of the school.
And that seeing their behaviour, other 23 kids will also behave in the same fashion. Thus the memento of the class will get disturbed.
We were socked, till now we thought that our kids are very bright and we wanted to send them to a play school so that they can learn to socialise., learn some manners etc. we had no idea that they want Pre Trained kids.
Initially I was a lil upset but after talking to family and friends I am relived that our kids are not going in that school.
Every thing is seen in a business way...even lill ones. Schools were made to teach...but they want pre trained kids....then whats the point of sending them to the schools.

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