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Friday, November 13, 2009

Fancy Dress

Gattu Bhau participated in School fanchy dress on 12.11.2009 they became Sita in exile (gattu) and Sita at Swamvay time (bhau) was very hectic to dress them up and handle all their tantrums...wooof. But they were good on stage and confidently delivered their lines.
Actually come to think of is not kids fancy dress but it is parents participation. If the kid wins parent feels the joy and feels sad if the kid doesn't get any thing.Earlier I used to feel that I will not bother about wining and loosing but to be honest...I want them to try and want them to win.:)
Rohit came for the function and really enjoyed the whole show.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fancy dress Coming up

13th Nov,09 is going to be Fancy dress day at Vana Vani, my kids school. And they have been told to become an epic character.So I asked them what will you both like to become? I suggest that because they like Hanuman so much they might as well become that or Ghatotkatch or Lav Kush....but they don't want to become any thing that is not a girl.
They want to become SITA. And they are very particular about that wants to become Sita in Exile (Gayatri)with flower Jewels and orange dress and the other wants to become Sita in Palace (Bhavani)with real Jewels and Pink Dress. They have also told me how the dress should be ( Two piece ).:)
They are not even four but have their funda's about what they want to wear.....all these in great detail.
So here I am thinking how to make their day special and how to Deck them up and make them loveliest Sita.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ear piercing for the princesses

Bhau and Gattu got their ears pierced in TB Jewellery's showroom at T nagar Chennai. They were accompanied by me and their grand mom yesterday (1st Nov,09).We were scared that it will hurt them and they will be in pain but to our surprise the girls turned out to much stronger and sportive. The jeweler used the Gun shot to do the piercing. The princess chose studs of light pink(gattu) and light purple(bhau) (they always have their own choices and tastes on every thing) and happily chewed the toffee I gave them post the piercing. They them selves are very cautious of not putting water on the ear, allowed me to apply coconut oil in the night and dint rub their head on pillow etc.
Girls are growing. I am really delighted to see them the way they are handling things . I feel they are turning in to independent and responsible persons. Though they do throw tantrums and cry and make fuss but underneath all that is evolving a very thoughtful person.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Preparations for the Parents day

I have a great idea ...instead of just reciting some story or rhyme which mostly all parents do...I will do some thing different: Magic Show. I have learn 3 tricks from internet. have bought stuff to prepare for the same....and I will take Gattu bhau by surprise tomorrow. Really looking forward to spend the day in their class with them and get to know them more and know their classmates more.
I wish I could attend class with them every day and watch them socialize with other kids in an 'Invisible' mode.As once they know I am around they are totally different kids.
Mother hood is a crazy feeling...its the best.

Monday, October 26, 2009

parents back to school

Vana Vani has a great way of involving Parents in giving feedbacks and observing the kids and teacher in the class. My turn is on this 28th Oct.I have to attend Gattu Bhu's class and sit with LKG kids. Teacher has told me to prepare an activity and I am puzzled. What do I do? I dont want to do some thing simple...but nothing complex also. I want the class to enjoy and have fun with me.
should I do a Dance or should it be story telling? If story telling then what story should I tell ? The story should not be should be new for them also. Hmmmm
how do I narrate the picture form or any other form?
How will gattu bhau react that day? will they like it? or will they detest it? Will they allow me to interact with other kids?
Dont know about any thing! Do I get some sweets for them. So that they like me in the class.
Lets see. May be story with pictures will be best.
lets see.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gayatri's First Crush- LKG

Its amazing how Kids grow so soon. My little angle is having a Crush on some guy in her class. Gayatri is 3 years and seven months old and she said she likes a Guy in her class names 'Akash manu' ( I don't know if she knows the name correctly). When I asked her what do you like in the guy she mentioned that he once he pushed her but said 'I am sorry' to her immediately. So she likes him.
Choo cute. At home when ever we all ask her about the guy she blushes!!!
I am really enjoying their childhood and innocence. When i asked Bhavani if she likes any one in her class/ who is your friend, she says Gayatri only. but in their conversations they talk and give statements like: 'Sanjana's mom is a Doctor' etc.
Today Bhavani noticed my feet and said 'Ma your Feet are looking very beautiful'. Then I said, 'yes because I cut my nails, so they look neat'. then she said 'If I cut my nails mine will also look good No!!'

My girls are growing and observing every thing.
Bhavani sometimes makes a sad face and says I wont eat any thing. When I ask her why? She replies that 'If I eat I'll grow big but I want to become very small and sit in your tummy with you'. :)
I wish I was a mummy Kangaroo!!

Motherhood is so beautiful and tough at the same time. Today my kids are in school (Its only 12.24 AM) & when I dropped them I dint want to leave (Monday morning blue).I feel like being with them all the time. But I know it is not possible. May be I will take them out in the evening and we will spend some time together.
Hope so!

Monday, June 8, 2009

First Day in School

Gattu and Bhau went to school today (Jun,8th,09).It was only one hour but they were not really happy, complained that they were not allowed to play. Guess its the effect of new environment etc.Me and Ro went to drop them took their pics...they were very excited ...looking cute and talking a lot.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Graduated Play school

It has been along time that I updated this blog. Kids have become 3 and half now. They were in The Nest play school last year. Now they have graduated and are all set to join a school in IIT M called Van vani. We chose this school due to proximity to my work area.
Babies participated in Fancy Dress in their previous school (Nest). Here are a few pics and videos for you to enjoy.