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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Papa Mishra

One thing about Kids is that you dont know what is going to come out of them the next minute. Bhav, Gats call Ro by a lot of innovative names like: Lion, Sonu papa, pops,poppy, and the latest is 'Papa Mishra'! Bhavu was trying to write some thing on Ro's hand and when he asked her what she is writing, she replied that she is writing his name which is papa mishra.
We found it so funny, innovative, and just amazing.
Every day they both are transforming in to totally different people. Every hour they change their clothes and roles. One day Bhavu will like to wear only soft cotton spaggatti, next day she would insist on wearing a shiny top with golden skirt.
Gattu ,will be like a wild cat at one moment,beating me,screaming,shouting,yelling and after some time she will like to lie down like a small baby in my lap, and the very next moment she will hold my head in her lap and become my mom, singing a song, patting my hair.
I am just amazed and so is Ro at the wonder which we see infront of our eyes every day.
Some times they are like kids, some times like lovely ladies.
Every day we feel that very soon this time will fly away and we will have an empty nest,just the way my parents have now....but relax...let me enjoy them, today.

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