All about being a MOM Its a Mommy Blog!!!! Blogging is therapeutic ! Blogging is like a warm blanket, like a friend, who's always there to listen. Every mom's friend!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


love of Grand parents makes them happy kids. They copy G Pa and want to look like him. The naked threesome.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

No more my own Boss

Feel helpless
Feel totally out of control
It feels that I am not my boss any more.
If this is the beginning , then wonder where it will go...
Have start eating my own actions and words
They are smart,
they are clever,
they also have sense of humour
they can make me laugh
they can make me cry
they can make me do all that I despise
they are my weakness
they are my strength
they are my babies
and I love them, marvel at them with out any end

Lil ones learn lesson no. 1

Lesson no. 1 is :
Do Not tear the book.
And if u do then u will stand in the corner.
The Corner is 'BAD'..that's what we told our lil Einstein's
What happend after that is a story in itself.
Now when ever they accidently tear a newspaper/book. They look at us,and quietly go and stand in the corner. If Bhav goes then Gats follows her , they both adjust and fit themselves in that so called bad corner. They keep on sitting there ,looking at us.
We call them , they dont come, I get up and lovingly take them out and we start our book reading session all over again....and then Gats looks at me, and tears one more page.....with a smile.
Lesson Learnt- Child is the father of Man

Monday, July 16, 2007

Its a lizzzzard

Mom look...Lizard!!!
I want plain rice with Ghee and salt
I want more salt
I want Ice cream and not sweets
I want Roti and not Rice
This is what I hear from my 1.7 month old babies.
I can not believe my ears that they can communicate, understand and demand so much.
It delights me to see them choose their dress, their tooth brush, their toys.
Both of them want different things (thankfully).
Bhavs likes girlie colors and dolls.
Gats likes Balls and is not bothered about clothes
Gats has a choice in what food she wants to eat
Bhavs does not compromise on her sleep area.
Both of them want to sleep on Mummy's tummy (challenging).